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Public Restroom Horror: Woman’s Shares Photos of ‘Blood’ in Toilet Paper


A horrifying story has been reported that a woman found blood-stained toilet paper in a public restroom.

According to Sanook, the woman visited a public restroom in Taiwan.

The woman attracted much attention from internet users by sharing photos in the community and describing her situation.

In her public post, the woman said, “I’m not sure if it’s blood or not. But it looks very similar to blood. Please tell me it’s not blood. It’s scary.”

She continued, “Since I didn’t have tissue, I used the part that didn’t have blood.” The photos she shared showed the tissue from multiple angles, clearly stained with red.

The post went viral online, and people expressed concern for the woman, saying, “We need to carry tissues when we go out. Some people intentionally stain with blood after an AIDS diagnosis. She should consult at a hospital.”

However, others explained, “I’ve seen it in other restrooms too. It’s dust from natural pulp tissues. When blood dries, it turns brown.” They described it as a phenomenon that can occur with recycled toilet paper.

Later, the woman expressed gratitude to the internet users, saying, “I didn’t realize it was recycled toilet paper. Thanks to you, I feel relieved.”

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