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Testicle Challenge: Can Eating Bulls’ Parts Boost Health?

New York Post

An influencer has caused a stir by posting a video of himself eating bull testicles to experiment with his testosterone levels.

According to the New York Post, John, a gourmet influencer, became famous earlier this year when he announced his plan to eat raw chicken every day for 100 days.

At that time, John mentioned that he had completed the test without contracting salmonella and later announced a new challenge on his social media channel.

On June 10, John announced his intention to eat bull testicles and demonstrated this by consuming them raw.

He then stated, “How would eating the balls of a cow not make you have huge balls yourself? This is the science we are here to test.”

New York Post

John then tested various ways of eating them, such as making a testicle burger with the testicles instead of hamburger buns or eating them with pasta.

It is unclear how long John plans to eat raw testicles, and he has not yet given a detailed explanation of any specific physical changes.

Fans have requested that he measure his testosterone levels to check for noticeable changes over the next few months.

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