As the temperature rises, the activity range of bees expands, and the breeding season begins, resulting in a rapid increase in the number of individuals. Bee sting accidents occur mainly from mid-summer to early fall, and approximately 80% of the incidents occur during this period. Bees often appear in remote places and on hiking trails frequented by hikers, so extra caution is necessary. In fact, in 2021, there were cases where 28 hikers were stung by wasps in succession.

Bee sting accidents

From mid-summer to fall is the time when bees are most active, and bee sting accidents occur frequently during this period. Many people go on vacation or engage in outdoor activities during this time, so caution is necessary. Bee stings are a type of allergic reaction caused by the venom of bees. Bees use their stingers to defend themselves and hunt, and these stingers contain chemical components such as acetylcholine and histamine.

Distinguishing between honey bees and wasps

Honey bees are what we commonly know as “bees.” They have plump bodies, lots of hair, and collect and spread pollen. On the other hand, wasps have slender bodies, thin legs, no hair, and a shiny appearance. Wasps are also omnivorous predators that prey on flies and mosquitoes. Honey bees build their nests with beeswax, while wasps build their nests with wood chips and saliva, creating a paper-like material. You can tell the difference between the two nests by looking at them, as they have slightly different shapes.

Wear light-colored clothing rather than dark-colored clothing

To avoid being stung by bees, it is better to wear light than dark-colored clothing when engaging in outdoor activities. According to popular belief, it is said that you should not wear bright-colored clothes, but this is incorrect. Wasps are more aggressive towards dark colors than bright colors, and in fact, colors that wasps do not attack include white, yellow, and green, which are bright colors.

Avoid using perfumes or heavy cosmetics

Also, avoid using perfumes or heavy cosmetics. Bees with a sensitive sense of smell become alert and irritated by strong odors such as perfumes, cosmetics, and sprays. Similarly, sweet beverages such as carbonated drinks, juice, and fruit can attract bees.

If you accidentally disturb a beehive

When you come across a beehive, you may have heard that you should stay still or lie down. However, this is also incorrect. When you disturb a beehive, bees become agitated and may attack indiscriminately, so you should quickly move at least 20 meters away from the hive with your head covered. If you see a beehive while passing by, you should lower your posture and slowly move to another place.

If stung by a bee, there may be anaphylactic shock

If stung by a bee, it is most likely to cause swelling and pain, but if the reaction is severe, it can lead to anaphylactic shock. When bee venom enters the body, antibodies of the histamine type are produced, and if the response of the antibodies to the antigen is excessively sensitive, anaphylaxis can occur. Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction to a specific substance and can lead to death in severe cases due to respiratory distress. In particular, bee sting-induced anaphylaxis is known to have a 10 times higher probability of occurrence in summer to early fall compared to winter.

If you encounter a bee, leave the area

If you encounter a bee, it is best to protect your head with clothing or a bag and quickly move away from the area. As mentioned earlier, bees are particularly sensitive to dark colors, so they often target the heads of people with hair. Furthermore, the stingers of wasps are reusable, so the attack may not end with just one sting and can last for a long time, making it very dangerous.

If stung by a bee, it is essential to remove the stinger quickly

The stingers of honey bees and wasps are different. When a honey bee stings, the stinger gets stuck in the skin, while a wasp can sting multiple times without the stinger getting stuck. Usually, wasp venom is known to be more lethal, but honey bee stingers also contain venom, so they should be removed quickly. When removing the stinger, using your hands to pull or squeeze it is not advisable. Honey bee stingers have a barbed structure, so the more you touch them with your hands, the deeper they can go. Instead, it would be best to use a firm, thin tool like a credit card to push it out.

Apply cold compress

After washing the affected area with running water, applying a cold compress to the area where the stinger has been removed is advisable. Cold compress helps reduce swelling, alleviate pain, and locally reduce blood circulation, preventing the rapid spread of toxins. When engaging in outdoor activities, carrying ice water or cold beverages and using them as a substitute for a cold compress is also acceptable.

Beware of bee venom allergies
Especially for people with bee venom allergies!

Symptoms of bee venom allergies may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, and difficulty breathing. If an allergic reaction occurs, promptly report it to 911, as most severe allergies occur within 30 minutes. Quick emergency measures are crucial. If you have previously experienced bee venom allergies, it is also a good idea to have an epinephrine injection prescribed and carry it with you during outdoor activities. Epinephrine is a medication that can be administered as a primary treatment for allergic reactions, and it is available in an auto-injector that allows self-administration. It can be a preventive medication for people who experience severe allergic reactions.
By Jeon Sin Young (
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