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Yoo Jae Suk’s No-Pants Look Steals the Spotlight on ‘Running Man’

Running Man host Yoo Jae Suk took to the runway for a penalty, donning a no-pants look.

On the April 7 episode of the SBS variety show Running Man, cast members faced a penalty from the previous week’s race, requiring them to complete a challenge in outfits lacking bottoms.

Last week, Yang Se Chan, Kim Jong Kook, Yoo Jae Suk, and HaHa, excluding Ji Suk Jin and Song Ji Hyo, were selected for the penalty. They all had to take on the trending no-pants look challenge. Each time the members appeared in their penalty outfits, there were gasps of shock.

Yoo Jae Suk, in particular, garnered laughs with his unexpected outfit that mismatched the top and bottom. He styled a V-cut short pants look with a top reminiscent of a nobleman.

The staff playfully remarked on a cast member’s unique look for the penalty challenge, calling it “manly.” Yoo Jae Suk, caught off guard by his attire, jokingly questioned if this was an appropriate outfit for a date. The lighthearted mood continued as Ji Suk Jin teased him, comparing his legs to a young student’s, sparking laughter among the cast.

To complete the penalty, the cast members needed to film a poster for Running Man in their unusual outfits. Yoo Jae Suk, feeling a bit self-conscious, playfully urged the photographer to capture the shot quickly, saying, “One take is all I need!” Adding to the lighthearted chaos, HaHa chimed in before a planned runway walk, joking, “Hold on, there’s a little too much exposure here! Maybe a wardrobe adjustment is needed?”

Yoo Jae Suk playfully questioned the stylist, “Hey, how come mine’s the only one with a special cut? You usually dress me so well!” The stylist, with a laugh, reassured him, “Trust me, this works perfectly with the concept!” Their exchange added to the lighthearted atmosphere on set.

Taking center stage for the runway portion of the photo shoot, Yoo Jae Suk gave his all. The watchful eyes of his fellow cast members, however, weren’t finished. HaHa, in a burst of playful teasing, remarked on Yoo Jae Suk’s runway walk, and others joined in with lighthearted jabs about his “unique” physique for the challenge.

Despite the ongoing criticism like “Why is his butt so low?” and “Why does he have no butt?” Yoo Jae-suk finished the shoot by saying, “I like it,” and maintaining his composure.

Running Man is a variety entertainment program that focuses solely on laughter among many elements of entertainment, where numerous stars and members perform missions together. It is broadcast every Sunday at 6:30 PM.

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