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Did Bibi Go Too Far? Outrage and Support After College Festival Remarks

Recent news about actor and singer Bibi is stirring up a buzz. Bibi has recently drawn attention for a comment she made on stage at a university festival.

About a month ago, Bibi took the stage at a university festival and engaged with the audience before performing her song “Crazy X.” While on stage, one of her remarks became a topic of discussion. Bibi asked the crowd, “Are you enjoying school? Anyone hate school? Anyone think school x sucks?” in an attempt to engage the audience.

Viewers online have been divided in their reactions, with some saying she “crossed the line” and others defending her as exercising “freedom of expression.”

Most fans criticized her for using profanity on stage at a university festival in front of students and promoting a negative atmosphere about school life.

Bibi has sparked controversy several times with provocative fan service at various performances. She has made headlines for calling male fans on stage for daring physical contact, kissing fans, or throwing contraceptives into the audience.

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