The highly anticipated documentary First Lady, which explores the controversial life of South Korea’s First Lady, Kim Keon Hee, has released its main trailer, generating widespread attention. The movie delves into the numerous scandals surrounding Kim, including allegations of receiving an expensive Dior handbag, her influence over the rerouting of the Yangpyeong Expressway, and suspicions of her involvement in private-sector government interventions.
The newly released trailer opens with provocative lines such as “Have you heard of VIP2?” and “Are we talking about Kim Keon Hee?” It paints a picture of South Korea’s First Lady as an influential figure with substantial power, suggesting that President Yoon Suk Yeol is more of a puppet under her control. The trailer also features the tagline, “A catastrophe born from the desire for attention!” It includes appearances by key figures involved in the controversies, such as Pastor Choi Jae Young (who allegedly delivered the Dior bag), Lee Myung Soo, a journalist from Voice of Seoul who claims to have had a seven-hour phone conversation with Kim Keon Hee during the presidential campaign, and Chairman Jeong Dae Taek, who has been locked in a legal battle with Kim’s family for over a decade.
Before Yoon’s election, Kim Keon Hee was already embroiled in various scandals. These included accusations of academic and career fabrications, plagiarism in her thesis, stock price manipulation related to Deutsch Motors, and alleged ties to shamanic figures like Cheon Gong. Through interviews and revelations, the First Lady offers a multi-dimensional portrait of Kim, shedding light on how she’s been at the center of these controversies.
The documentary centers on the unsettling truth that it’s not just the elected president but the First Lady who has seemingly seized control of political power. The film also critiques Kim Keon Hee’s 2022 election campaign promise — made during a press conference — where she stated she would “focus solely on her role as a wife.” The film calls this promise into question, framing it as hypocritical given her deep involvement in national affairs.
The film identifies Kim Keon Hee as the central figure in a web of interconnected allegations, raising the provocative question: “Who is the real VIP in the Yongsan Presidential Office?” This central question has only fueled growing anticipation for the documentary as it dives deeper into the scandals surrounding South Korea’s First Lady.
Kim Hoon Tae, CEO of the film’s production company Today Pictures, emphasizes the importance of civic awareness in his statement: “When we become indifferent, monsters that feed on power are born, threatening our peaceful existence.” First Lady is being hailed as an exhaustive exposé of the controversies surrounding Kim Keon Hee, who continues to hold her position as First Lady despite these ongoing allegations. Kim Hoon Tae adds, “I hope that politically disengaged and moderate voters, especially those in their 20s and 30s, will watch this film without preconceptions.” The film’s December 12 release has gained even more attention following recent political turmoil, including the declaration of martial law in South Korea.
In a separate development, Yoon declared a state of emergency from the Yongsan Presidential Office on Tuesday, which stirred significant public debate. The National Assembly held a special session early Wednesday morning, where 190 members voted unanimously to revoke the state of emergency. By 4:27 AM on Wednesday, Yoon had officially lifted the emergency declaration, drawing heightened attention to the situation.
First Lady is slated for release on December 12, at a time when tensions in South Korea’s political landscape are at a boiling point. The documentary’s debut could not be more timely, as it offers a critical look into the power dynamics in the country’s leadership.
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