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US Hypersonic Arsenal: Over 70 Projects to Regain Military Supremacy

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Selection of Hypersonic Aircraft Partners
Potential to Change Tactical Landscape
China Developing Drones

사진 출처 = 'Avgeekery.com'
극초음속 항공기의 엔진 / 사진 출처 = 'CNN'
Engine of a Hypersonic Aircraft / CNN

In aerial combat, speed has always been a key to victory. By approaching the enemy from the rear faster, it is possible to shoot down the enemy. Hence, many countries have obsessed with technology capable of generating faster speeds since the use of airplanes in wars. The hypersonic fighter the United States currently focuses on exemplifies this desire.

The United States has recently selected partners to develop such hypersonic fighters and announced that it will embark on full-scale development. What is the intention of the United States, which is already focusing on the development of various hypersonic weapons?

보잉의 발키리 극초음속 드론 / 사진 출처 = 'Top War'
Boeing’s Valkyrie Hypersonic Drone / Top War
헤르메우스에서 개발 중인 극초음속 항공기 / 사진 출처 = 'Aviation International News'
Hypersonic Aircraft Being Developed by Hermeus / Aviation International News

Various Companies Participating
70 Hypersonic Projects

Several defense companies, including the United States, are participating in this hypersonic vehicle project. These include Boeing, which supplies most U.S. aircraft, and the start-up Hermeus, which specializes in researching and developing hypersonic vehicles. And the United States selected Australia’s Hypersonic Launch Systems as a partner.

In addition, the United States is currently conducting over 70 projects to develop weapons applying hypersonic flight technology. This is presumably a result of an obsessive pursuit to regain the lead in hypersonic technology, which China and Russia have taken over. This is because China and Russia have successfully deployed hypersonic missiles in actual combat through the DF-17 and Avangard missiles, respectively.

중국에서 개발 중인 극초음속 드론 / 사진 출처 = 'Military Watch Magazine'
Hypersonic Drone Being Developed in China / Military Watch Magazine
중국의 극초음속 드론
China’s Hypersonic Drone

China is Developing Drones
Can the U.S. Regain its Superiority?

China is even developing a strike drone that is capable of hypersonic flight, unveiled at a military parade. As intercontinental ballistic missiles did in the past, hypersonic technology is emerging as a new asymmetric power in the new Cold War. South Korea is also reportedly researching this technology on its own.

Can the United States regain its technological superiority through various attempts? It seems necessary to pay attention to the new weapons that the United States will show in the future and the moves it will make through them.

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