A man in his 40s who served a prison sentence for stalking and was released has been involved in an incident where he threatened the victim by finding her address through a false civil lawsuit.

According to the legal community, on the 14th, the Criminal Division 2 of Bucheon District Prosecutor’s Office announced that a man in his 40s, Mr. A, was arrested and indicted on charges of retaliation and extortion through false threats under the Act on Special Cases Concerning the Punishment, etc. of Specific Crimes, on the 1st of last month.
Mr. A is suspected of sending threatening text messages after finding out the address of his former girlfriend, Ms. B, who filed a lawsuit for the return of a loan in June.
It was found that Mr. A filed a false civil lawsuit after sending money to Ms. B’s account a year ago and falsely claiming that she did not repay the debt.

By filing a civil lawsuit, the court orders the address correction to serve the summons. If there is an address correction order, the defendant’s resident registration copy can be obtained from the administrative welfare center to confirm the current address.
Afterward, Mr. A sent a threatening text message to Ms. B, saying, “Live long. I can’t forget you even if I die. Think about why I filed the lawsuit.”
Earlier, it was revealed that Mr. A continuously stalked Ms. B in July last year and was sentenced to 1 year and 4 months in prison by the Incheon District Court; after serving a sentence, he committed this retaliatory act upon release.
A prosecution official stated, “There is concern that a stalking perpetrator could commit a serious crime after using the address correction order to find the victim’s address,” and said, “Improvement of the relevant system is necessary.”
By. Shin Soo Jeong (soojungsin@inews24.com)
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