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Are your gums sore now? Try these: Habits to protect your teeth and gums.

Eugene Park Views  

동아제약의 치주질환 예방제 ‘검가드’ 사진동아제약

Dong-A Pharmaceutical’s gum disease prevention product ‘Gum Guard’. [Photo=Dong-A Pharmaceutical]

As the weather gets colder, more people are troubled by tingling or cold teeth. The causes vary, but the most common case is when symptoms appear due to the wear and tear at the boundary where the teeth and gums meet.

Experts advise that preventive measures are important to correct the sensitive oral environment. In this regard, thorough brushing after eating and regular oral examinations are essential. In addition, they recommend using high-functioning toothpaste and a mouthwash specifically for gums to help keep the teeth firm.

According to Dong-A Pharmaceutical on the 31st, in a clinical trial conducted by a joint research team including Yonsei University Dental Hospital, 92 patients with gum disease and mild periodontitis were made to use ‘Gum Guard’ three times a day for six weeks. As a result, the gum inflammation index and gum bleeding frequency decreased by 50.9% and 56.9% respectively. It also had a preventive effect, such as suppressing the main cause of gum disease, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans.

Thus, Gum Guard can enjoy both the prevention of cold teeth and gum inflammation at the same time. In addition, Dong-A Pharmaceutical explains that it has proven excellent effects in clinical trials related to gum diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis.

Mouthwash specifically for gums is also useful. It can clean deep inside the mouth, where other toothbrushes can’t reach, in just 30 seconds.

A representative from Dong-A Pharmaceutical said, “If your teeth are cold every time you eat cold food, or if you’re tired and your gums are swollen, and if there’s bleeding when you brush your teeth, it means the risk of gum disease is high.” He advised, “The easiest way to manage cold teeth is to switch to a high-functioning product for the toothpaste you use every day or to use mouthwash.”

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Eugene Park




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