Bedbugs Spreading Nationwide… Are there bed bugs in my house too? Just check it this way:
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Bedbugs, thought to be eradicated, are appearing not only in Seoul but in various places across the country. Due to their small size, they are not easily noticeable, but with their astonishing reproductive ability and range of movement, they can spread in a short time. If you’re worried about bedbugs infesting your home, you can easily find traces using this method.

Bedbugs are nocturnal insects that only become active in the dark. They appear in the dark, sucking the blood of warm-blooded animals such as humans. They can bite a person more than 500 times in a single night.
Due to these characteristics, it’s hard to find bedbugs during the day when the light is bright inside the house.
They start to move quietly when it gets dark, so if you want to find hidden bedbugs, you need to work at night.
Once night falls, turn off all the lights in the house and prepare a flashlight, like the one on your mobile phone.
Then, shine the light into every potential hiding place for bedbugs.
Particularly, the inside of sofas, seams and zippers of bed mattresses, and the head of the bed are known places where bedbugs are frequently found. Due to their small size, there is a high possibility that they are hiding in these crevices.
They are also often seen in kitchen cupboards where dishes or cups are stored, under the kitchen sink, in damp closets, and even on fabrics like carpets. So, you need to check carefully.

Even if you don’t see bedbugs directly, you can tell if they’re infesting by their traces. They leave traces all over the house.
If you find small, black traces on your bedding or mattress, it could be bedbug feces. There may also be leftover blood drops after the bedbugs have fed.
If these traces do not appear in the house, it might be a good idea to check your body, which you usually don’t pay much attention to.
In fact, some people get bitten by bedbugs without realizing it. Most people will have itchy symptoms, but if not, the bite marks may be small and not easily noticeable.
If bitten by a bedbug, a small pink mark appears like a pimple. If there are several pimples appearing at once, you should suspect a bedbug bite.

If bedbug infestation is confirmed, the best solution is to exterminate them through a professional pest control company.
Pest control companies know where bedbugs are likely to infest and have more professional methods of extermination, so even if it costs money, you should ask for help without delay.
Bedbugs have evolved to resist toxic chemicals like insecticides since ancient times. Therefore, spraying insecticides at home may not be very effective.
If you delay and the bedbugs lay eggs, the problem could become bigger, so quick action is needed.
If you live in a shared house such as an officetel or apartment, you should inform the manager. Since bedbugs often move from house to house, it’s better to work on neighboring houses at the same time when removing bedbugs from one household.

Bedbugs infiltrate indoors regardless of the cleanliness of the house. Once they enter, it’s not easy to completely remove them, so prevention is more important.
As they cannot survive in steam, regular cleaning with a steam cleaner can help. Of course, bedbugs hiding deep in the cracks may not be removed.
It’s also good to clean your mattress thoroughly. Remove all bedding and vacuum the mattress. If the mattress is torn, it’s better to replace it. Bedbugs can move through small holes, and there is a high possibility that they will nest inside. Using an antibacterial mattress cover designed to prevent dust mites or bedbugs can also help.
Additionally, when washing bedding, using hot water and drying at high temperature can prevent bedbug survival.
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