Hillary “Next year’s election, Biden will beat Trump.”-What is the basis for confidence?
Eugene Park Views
Faced defeat against Trump in 2016
Mentioned victory in Ohio abortion rights election
“Voters are emerging from chaos,” she self-assesses

Hillary Clinton, the former U.S. Secretary of State who lost to Donald Trump in 2016, has thrown her support behind President Joe Biden’s re-election.
On the 8th (local time), former Secretary Clinton said at the New Economy Forum hosted by Bloomberg Media, “Next year’s election will be a rematch between Biden and Trump,” and “I believe Biden will be re-elected.”
She noted, “The possibility of Trump becoming the Republican candidate still appears to be high,” but added, “Nevertheless, voters want a principled order again, and as seen in this election result, they are emerging from chaos.”
The election she referred to is the referendum on the abortion rights amendment held in Ohio. Ohio has twice delivered victories to the Republicans in recent presidential elections. However, this time, with the passage of the amendment to enshrine abortion rights in the state constitution, it has finally sided with the Democrats. The White House immediately hailed the result as a “victory for Biden’s agenda.”
Meanwhile, former Secretary Clinton argued that China’s economic crisis is deeply related to President Xi Jinping’s third term. She pointed out, “President Xi’s long-term rule has caused many challenges within his own system,” and “We are seeing purges of high-ranking bureaucrats and some economic problems, as well as a cooling effect in relational aspects.”
She explained, “Former leader Hu Jintao said he would not stay as China’s leader for life, and through this, the relationship with the U.S. could continue to renew.”
However, she saw the upcoming U.S.-China summit scheduled to be held in San Francisco next week as a good opportunity to break the current icy atmosphere. Former Secretary Clinton emphasized, “It is definitely an opportunity to build trust,” and “Much more interaction needs to continue.”
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