There are people who are particularly afraid of going to the dentist. However, it would be a shame to miss out on the benefits of scaling covered by health insurance once a year. Scaling is one of the simple ways to maintain dental health.
Plaque refers to the thin bacterial film created on the tooth surface by leftover food around the teeth. It can be removed through physical actions like brushing. However, it cannot be completely removed in this way and combines with calcium, phosphorus, and saliva from the gums to harden into tartar, requiring professional removal through scaling.

Scaling can remove this bacterial plaque and tartar, smooth the tooth surface, and help prevent oral diseases such as periodontal disease and bad breath. For people with early gum disease or severe bad breath caused by it, scaling treatment is very effective.
Despite this, some people are reluctant to undergo scaling treatment. They fear tooth sensitivity, widening, shaking, tooth trimming, and gum bleeding during treatment. However, such symptoms are normal reactions due to the relief of sensation, position, and inflammation caused by tartar removal. As these symptoms disappear over time, there is no reason to avoid scaling.
On the other hand, scaling treatment involves physically stimulating the gums and teeth, so the oral condition becomes sensitive after treatment. Therefore, it is best to avoid stimulation as much as possible. It’s better to avoid food that is too cold or hot, spicy, and salty. Also, drinking alcohol and smoking can interfere with blood clotting and should be avoided.
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