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Yoon Jae-ok Urges Democratic Party to Cut North Korea Peace Treaty

On February 2, Yoon Jae-ok the floor leader of the People Power Party urged the Democratic Party to abandon its “naive, blind, and even dangerous ‘North Korea appeasement’ policy..”

Previously Kim Jong-un, the General Secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea and Chairman of the State Affairs Commission of North Korea declared at the party’s plenary meeting on January 30 that the inter-Korean relationship is a ‘hostile relationship between the two countries and not a subject of reunification. In response, the Democratic Party criticized this statement but also pointed out that “the Yoon Seok-yeol government cannot escape responsibility.”

At a floor strategy meeting held at the National Assembly on the same day, Floor Leader Yoon said, “I am greatly disappointed with the Democratic Party’s response to Kim Jong-un’s recent remarks,” and “While they strongly condemn these remarks, they are also arguing that the Yoon Seok-yeol government shares responsibility.”

He also criticized, “It’s not South Korea but North Korea that is rejecting dialogue, violating UN resolutions, and heightening the risk of war in East Asia. This fact hasn’t changed even under the Moon Jae-in administration.”

Floor Leader Yoon pointed out, “History proves that the Sunshine Policy of successive Democratic Party governments not only failed to prevent North Korea’s nuclear missile development but rather promoted it,” and “The demolition of the inter-Korean liaison office took place during the Moon Jae-in administration.”

He emphasized, “All security-related agencies including the military must be on high alert and thoroughly prepare for any potential military provocations from North Korea.”

By. Dong Woo Lee

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