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Putin Meets North Korean Minister Choe: Will He Accept Kim Jong Un’s Invitation?

Russian President Vladimir Putin is seen shaking hands with North Korean Foreign Minister Choi Sun Hui at the Kremlin in Moscow on the 16th (local time). / AFP Yonhap News

On the 16th (local time), Russian President Vladimir Putin met with North Korean Foreign Minister Choe Son Hui at the Kremlin in Moscow, as reported by Russian media.

In a video released by RIA Novosti on Telegram, President Putin offers a handshake to Minister Choe, who was waiting for him as he entered the meeting room.

Minister Choe reported the results of a previous meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Minister Choe and Lavrov reportedly discussed the implementation of last September’s North Korea-Russia summit agreement and issues on the Korean Peninsula.

The possibility of Putin visiting North Korea is being discussed as Minister Choe met with President Putin during his visit to Russia. President Putin’s last visit to North Korea was in July 2000. Minister Choe previously mentioned that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had invited President Putin to North Korea.

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