![김정은 북한 국무위원장이 강원도 김화군 지방공업공장들을 현지지도하면서 주요 시책으로 추진하는 '지방발전20×10정책'의 구체적인 방향을 제시했다. [사진-노동신문 갈무리]](https://contents-cdn.viewus.co.kr/image/2024/02/CP-2023-0231/image-c74e0e1e-2d21-44fd-9911-6e2ac380b0ec.png)
Kim Jong Un of North Korea provided specific directions for the “Local Development 20×10 Policy” during his on-site guidance at local industrial factories in Kimhwa County, Gangwon Province.
The Korean Central News Agency reported that Kim visited local industrial factories in Kimhwa County the previous day, stating, “The reason for coming to the field is to review the modernization and management status as well as the building type of each constructor of the Kimhwa County local industrial factories, which were set up as a pilot for determining the specific construction direction of local industrial factories that will be newly launched in earnest from this year, the first year of the “Local Development 20×10 Policy’ promotion”.
Kim, while touring the food, daily necessities, and paper factories, pointed out by saying “It is good that the local industrial factories in Kimhwa County are operating well in a modern way with high product quality for its contribution in raising the material living standards of the county’s people, but there are a series of problems to be corrected.”
He also said, “There are several defects found in the aspect of rational arrangement and production process design in each factory, but the fact that economic leaders imitating the newly provided “Local Development 20×10 Policy” by rote as machinery like the local industrial factories in Kimhwa without having any smart ideas but blinded to the faults is wrong from the attitude towards the policy of the party and its way of supervision.”
He emphasized that economic leaders need an innovative and creative attitude, not simple imitation, ahead of full-scale local industrial factory construction.
Kim emphasized by saying, “In the execution of the new local development policy, we should not mechanically imitate and repeat the modernization experience of the local industrial factories in Kimhwa County, but should accept new ideas persistently in an innovative and creative attitude and demonstrate responsibility while overcoming the flaws.”
He also said that regarding the selection of the scale and production capacity of local industrial factories and construction sites, there should be “scientific comparison with sufficient consideration for the specific characteristics and economic potential, development prospects, and number of population of the city or the county, and based on these studies, the building design should be made from a practical point of view and proceeded under a meticulous construction plan.
Besides, he also mentioned some critical tasks, such as △continuously focusing on quality improvement by installing product analysis rooms as specified and setting up a product inspection system △improving the level of technicians and skilled workers △responsibly securing raw materials necessary for production by firmly establishing raw material bases △moral issues to be observed in the use of funds spent on the construction of city and county’s local industrial factories.
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