North Korea’s Ongoing Threat: What’s Kim Really Up To? Separating Fact from Fiction – Part 2
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Is North Korea that Supplied Over 2.3 Million Rounds of Ammunition to Russia Preparing a Full-Scale War?
Considering the importance of ammunition, which has been highlighted in the Ukraine war, it is reported that North Korea has exported over 5,000 containers and more than 2.3 million rounds of 152mm shells to Russia. It has also been revealed that new types of missiles, like the KN-23, have been exported to Russia. As Defense Minister Shin Won Sik has made similar remarks in a media interview, it was an unreasonable action to commit if a rational governing authority was about to provoke a full-scale war.
Particularly, with the ongoing assumption that Kim Jong Un is pursuing the 4th generation hereditary, the analysis also suggests that Kim Jong Un cannot provoke a full-scale war if he intends to pass on North Korea intact to his child. If North Korea were to provoke a full-scale war, the armed forces of South Korea and the U.S. would likely obliterate Pyongyang and other principal regions and targets with over 1,000 missiles and thousands of precision-guided bombs, even without resorting to nuclear umbrellas.

The current situation suggests that the possibility of North Korea’s full-scale war provocation is highly remote, as agreed upon by many domestic and international government officials and experts. Sydney Seiler, a former National Intelligence Council (NIC) North Korea analyst under the National Intelligence Director (DNI) and now a senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), stated on February 2 regarding some observations that North Korea is preparing for war, “There are no signs whatsoever that North Korea’s attack is imminent.”
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