North Korea introduced the “Chosun letters (Hangul) as the best characters in the world in terms of scientificity, originality, and rationality, as recognized by the world’s linguistics community.”
On the 22nd, North Korea’s foreign media stated, “There are currently about 6,000 languages worldwide, and about 2,900 of them have unique characters. Among them, the Chosun language (Hangul) has been recognized as the world’s simplest and most excellent character.”
Citing the Chinese magazine Popular Science (July 2004 issue), it was conveyed that “the Linguistics College of the University of Oxford in the UK set the ranking of all the world’s characters based on rationality, scientificity, and originality, and the number one was none other than the Chosun letters, which received the highest evaluation.”
“The Linguistics College of Oxford University found the most suitable characters among the world’s languages from 1998 to the end of 2002, and the Chosun letters received the highest evaluation and were recognized as the simplest and most excellent character in the world,” it explained.
The media added, “The Chosun letters, which are easy to learn and convenient to write, and whose creation principle is scientific, were evaluated by UNESCO in 1990 as the most suitable character for literacy eradication projects among the characters used in various countries around the world.”
The media said, “Our nation, which has been using Idu characters since the Three Kingdoms period, greatly contributed to cultural development by creating Hunminjeongeum, the most advanced character, in 1444. The Chosun letters are scientific and original characters that mimic the shape of the vocal organs that produce sound.”
It continued to emphasize that “The Chosun language (Hangul), the national language of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea), is an excellent language that embodies the unique characteristics and excellence of national characters and is modern and sophisticated.”
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