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Why Are IDF Soldiers Wearing Chef’s Hats in Battle? The Surprising Reason

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11일(현지시간) 팔레스타인 무장정파 하마스를 상대로 지상 작전을 진행하고 있는 이스라엘 군인들. 사진=로이터 연합뉴스

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) entering the Gaza Strip in Palestine are drawing attention for their unique hats worn over their bulletproof helmets.

On the 13th (local time), the American military-specialized media, Warzone, discussed the Mitznefet, a military hat that IDF soldiers have worn in decades of combat.

The Mitznefet, locally referred to as a chef’s hat or clown’s hat, was first introduced in the mid-1990s war. At the time, the IDF, in conflict with Hezbollah armed forces in southern Lebanon, cut up netting and oversuits used for equipment concealment to create this hat.

The name Mitznefet is derived from the turbans worn by ancient Jewish high priests from 586 BC to 70 AD.

2011년 이스라엘군이 미츠네펫을 쓴 모습. 사진=이스라엘군(IDF) 대변인

This hat is primarily used for camouflage. The Mitznefet is much larger than a bulletproof helmet, and its asymmetrical shape completely conceals the helmet’s round shape. It can be naturally concealed among natural objects with its camouflage color and pattern.

The mesh material, which prevents reflection and aids in camouflage, also helps to keep the head cooler under the hot Middle Eastern sun. Another advantage is that it can be worn in various shapes to block the sun without turning the helmet.

The retail price is also affordable, ranging from $50 to $70. It allows for cost-effective concealment if produced on a large scale for military use.

Due to various advantages, Israel and other countries are reported to use the Mitznefet. According to Russian state media, the Polish military has been spotted wearing this hat, and it has been reported that Israel has supplied it to Ukraine.

Palestine, which is at war with Israel, also wears a similar hat. The Al-Qassam Brigades, the armed group of the Palestinian militant group Hamas, have been spotted wearing this hat at military operations and other events.

By. Seo Hee Won

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