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How Daily Milk Tea Consumption Led to Kidney Failure in a Young Woman

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The Chinese website docnhanh revealed a woman in her 20s was suffering from end-stage renal failure that required regular dialysis due to an unusual habit.

The woman, addressed under the pseudonym Y, lives in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Despite being only 28, Y suffers from chronic kidney failure and needs to undergo dialysis regularly.

Last year, Y was admitted to the hospital due to swelling and difficulty breathing, indicating decreased kidney function. Medical tests showed that Y had a complication of chronic kidney failure and needed emergency dialysis. Y was diagnosed with stage 5 chronic kidney disease, hypertension, and anemia and needed emergency dialysis. Despite consistent treatment, after three months, the doctors informed her that her kidney function had not recovered and she was ultimately suffering from end-stage kidney failure.


Y is currently undergoing regular dialysis at the hospital.

According to the hospital’s patient records, Y has been drinking milk tea from street vendors every day for ten years since high school.

She was known to frequently drink 2-3 cups of milk tea a day instead of meals. This habit has been studied as a dangerous factor for long-term addiction, leading to the case of end-stage renal failure in this 28-year-old woman.

Patients with end-stage renal failure can experience problems such as swelling or high blood pressure if they consume too much fluid. Excessive accumulation of fluid can lead to complications, and excessive fluid intake is known to worsen chronic kidney failure.

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