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Woman Gets Her Eye Removed After Eyelash Extension Gone Wrong


A Thai woman shared a tragic story of having to have her eye removed due to complications following a friend’s recommendation for an eyelash extension.

Sanook reported the story of Bai Fern, a woman in her 40s who lives in Surin province.

After a friend recommended it, she got eyelash extensions on March 8. Following the procedure, she experienced a stinging sensation in her left eye. She contacted the salon where she had received the treatment, suspecting the adhesive might be causing the irritation.


“It’s normal to feel that way,” the beautician told her. “The stinging will go away if you sit before a fan.” Despite sitting in front of a fan, Bai Fern’s eye continued to tear up.

Bai Fern took anti-inflammatory medication for 10 days, but her eye swelling worsened, and the pain continued. Eventually, she developed severe red eye, and her vision became blurry, leading to a serious emergency.

During her visit to the doctor, Bai Fern received shocking news. The doctor told her, “You’ll never be able to see with your affected eye again, whether you keep it or not.” He diagnosed her with an infection so severe that it required the removal of her eyeball.


Upon hearing the medical staff’s warning that the inflammation could spread if left untreated, Bai Fern underwent surgery to remove her left eyeball. She subsequently filed a lawsuit against the beautician who performed the procedure.

The beautician currently insists that there were no issues with the procedure.

Bai Fern’s lawyer stated, “This incident has not only damaged her appearance but also affected her income as she works in advertising. She had to bear substantial medical costs, medication, and transportation expenses.”

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