Have you ever heard the saying, “When tomatoes ripen red, doctors’ faces turn pale”? It means that when it’s the season to eat a lot of tomatoes, there is less need to go to the hospital. Like the name “tomato,” which means “fruit filled with tightness,” tomatoes are packed with beneficial nutrients for the body. Among many fruits, what makes tomatoes good for your health?

Tomato Juice Sold Out

After a urologist revealed that he drinks tomato juice every day for his health, there was a shortage of tomato juice for several days, attracting the attention of many people. While it is known that tomatoes are good for the body, it is difficult to eat them consistently. However, tomatoes are a natural nutritional supplement that is better than any other, as they are rich in vitamins, calcium, and dietary fiber.

Especially Good for Prostate Health

The prostate is a small, soft tissue located just below the bladder in men. When it becomes enlarged, it can cause problems with the opening and closing of the bladder and urethra, making it difficult to urinate or causing frequent urination. If the prostate is abnormal, it can cause much discomfort in daily life. In particular, prostate enlargement occurs due to aging, which reduces elasticity and flexibility. Tomatoes are a representative food that helps with prostate health. There are also research results that show that regularly consuming tomatoes can reduce the incidence of prostate cancer by up to 35%.

Pay Attention to the Main Ingredient, ‘Lycopene’

Tomatoes contain a powerful antioxidant called ‘lycopene’ that removes free oxygen radicals from the body. Lycopene is a lipophilic pigment found in crops that turn red, such as tomatoes, watermelons, and carrots. Lycopene not only inhibits the proliferation of prostate cancer cells but also has research results showing that the risk of prostate cancer decreases by 1% for each additional 1mg of lycopene consumed daily.

Good for the Eyes, Too

Frequent consumption of tomatoes can prevent age-related vision loss and diseases such as cataracts. This is thanks to ‘lutein’ and ‘zeaxanthin’ found in tomatoes. Lutein is a substance that makes up the peripheral part of the macula, which is responsible for central vision in the retina of the eye, protecting the eyes from strong light and various harmful factors. Zeaxanthin, concentrated in the major part of the macula, helps maintain the density of macular pigments that can decrease with aging.

Which Tomatoes Should You Choose?

It is best to choose bright red tomatoes that are uniform in color, and although some people buy greenish tomatoes and ripen them, it is better to buy ones that are already ripe. This is because the key substance in tomatoes, lycopene, is abundant in red color.

Cherry Tomatoes Have More Nutrients

If possible, it is better to eat cherry tomatoes than regular tomatoes because they contain more nutrients. Cherry tomatoes contain 1.5 to 2 times more B vitamins, vitamin C, potassium, and dietary fiber than regular tomatoes. They also have 3 times more lycopene and 3 to 5 times more saponin. If you consider the lycopene content, it is also helpful to choose black tomatoes.

Grill or Sauté Instead of Eating Raw

Grilling or sauté tomatoes with oil rather than eating them raw is better. This is because lycopene, which removes active oxygen and has anti-aging and anti-cancer effects, is a fat-soluble nutrient. Therefore, when heated with oil, the absorption rate in the body increases. If it is challenging to sauté tomatoes with oil every time, you can also use tomato-processed products in stores. However, if you want to consume water-soluble nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, it is more effective to eat them raw without heating.

Would You Like to Drink It as Juice?

Tomatoes can also be consumed as Juice. Drinking unsalted tomato juice about one cup a day can lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, helping to prevent heart disease. Tomatoes contain various physiologically active substances that are beneficial to health, and experts say that they inhibit LDL cholesterol and have anti-inflammatory effects, improving heart health.

Be Cautious, as it is an Acidic Food

Even though tomatoes are a superfood, some people should avoid consuming them. People with ‘gastroesophageal reflux disease’ should be cautious about consuming tomatoes because tomatoes, like oranges or lemons, are highly acidic and can worsen gastroesophageal reflux disease by irritating the mucous membrane of the esophagus. The abundant potassium in cherry tomatoes can help manage blood pressure but also strain the kidneys. Therefore, if you have kidney disease, limiting the consumption of cherry tomatoes is best.

Do You Have Allergies?

People with allergies should also be cautious about consuming tomatoes. The green seeds in tomatoes can cause itching, so if you have asthma, allergies, or atopic dermatitis, it is advisable to consume them cautiously. Less ripe tomatoes contain solanine, a toxic substance in potato sprouts. Consuming incorrectly can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, and severe systemic paralysis after consuming tomatoes.
BY Jeon Sin-yeong press@daily.co.kr
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