The popularity of ‘color therapy’ is increasing to heal the body and mind tired of daily life and to help with stress. The perception of colors seen with the eyes strongly influences the brain enough to dull other senses. You can recover psychological stability by using various colors well in daily life. Shall we find out which color is needed for your situation?

Color therapy that heals the body and mind

‘Color therapy’ is a combination of color and therapy, utilizing the fact that each color has its impact and energy to heal the body and mind. Choosing the colors of surrounding objects according to one’s mood or health condition makes it possible to generate positive energy and regulate mental emotions. Although it is not a therapy that resolves the root cause, it plays a significant role in helping to overcome difficult situations.

It is important to find the color that suits you

In color therapy, finding the color that suits you through counseling and gaining psychological stability by being close to that color is important. According to ‘Aura-Soma,’ a color therapy company that utilizes colors for health, each color contains a message, and depending on the message and utility of the color, you can see effects.

Passionate red

Red, which symbolizes passion and vitality, helps alleviate depression. Research has shown that people who usually have poor blood circulation have improved blood flow when exposed to red color continuously, stimulating the release of adrenaline. On the contrary, patients with high blood pressure should avoid red color.

Refreshing blue

Cool blue helps reduce excessive tension and stress. Using blue wallpaper in the bedroom can relieve insomnia and alleviate headaches. The refreshing feeling at the beach is the pleasure of temporarily forgetting anxiety and stress. People who are usually introverted and sensitive tend to like blue.

Clear green

Like blue, green has excellent effects in relieving tension and lowering blood pressure. People who work sitting for long hours or suffer from indigestion can feel positive changes in their bodies by growing green plants around them.

Warming yellow

Yellow, which brings bright and positive energy, is an excellent color to be close to when feeling psychologically depressed. People who like yellow tend to develop new ideas quickly when faced with various situations. Additionally, yellow can help improve skin troubles and activate the digestive system.

Cozy pink

Pink, which relieves loneliness, brings a warm feeling. If you have an aggressive tendency, using pink wallpaper in your room can also provide a calming effect. If you have an excessive attachment to pink, it may indicate a lack of affection, so sharing hobbies or resolving emotions appropriately through conversation is necessary.

If you have menopausal symptoms, try orange

Orange, a color that combines red and yellow, positively accepts physical changes and provides mental strength to recover from a sense of loss. Therefore, it is suitable for preventing menopausal symptoms in women, and in fact, orange fruits are effective in activating organ functions and treating gallstones and menstrual pain. When you experience significant psychological shock, wearing orange clothes can help you find psychological stability.

If hormone activity is a problem, try purple

Purple symbolizes high spirituality, healing, and service; when you want to heal negative situations positively, you are attracted to purple. Purple herbs, such as lavender, which have a purple hue, can be consumed, or wearing purple gemstones can help restore balance in the body and mind.

Colors applied in various fields

All the various colors in the world have their own impact and energy. Each color has different effects with its unique impact and energy, and recently, color therapy has been applied in various places. Research and development are underway in interior design to match lighting or furniture colors. It is not a cure, so it does not dramatically change the situation, but depending on how it is used, it is gaining attention as an excellent ally that helps with personal changes.
By Jeon Shin Young (press@daily.co.kr)
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