As we age, our body’s health and condition change compared to when we were young. Many people adopt good habits such as eating nutritious food and exercising to improve their declining stamina and physical condition. However, what we thought were good habits and actions for our health may damage our liver. It is essential to identify and correct these habits quickly. Let’s find out about surprising lifestyle habits that harm the liver.

What is the liver?

The liver is an organ located in the upper right abdomen below the diaphragm, protected by the ribs. When viewed from the front while standing, it starts between the 5th and 6th ribs on the right side and extends to the border between the right abdomen and the ribs. Unlike other organs, the liver receives a dual blood supply through the hepatic artery and portal vein. Oxygenated arterial blood flows through the hepatic artery, while venous blood in the intestines flows through the portal vein and exits through the hepatic vein.

What kind of organ is the liver?

The liver, one of the major organs in the human body, has various functions. It plays a role in metabolizing proteins, fats, vitamins, and waste materials. It is involved in amino acid and protein metabolism, adjusting the concentration of albumin in the body and converting excess absorbed carbohydrates into fat for use as an energy source during nutritional deficiency. It also produces bile acid and excretes bilirubin, storing vitamins A, D, iron, zinc, and other substances. It also has the function of breaking down hormones produced by various organs and detoxifying waste materials.

Can the liver function with only a part of it?

Even if only a part of the liver remains, it has excellent regenerative ability, and in cases of liver cancer surgery, up to 60-70% of the liver can be removed. However, even if a partially remaining liver regenerates, it does not mean it fully recovers its function. Although the volume of the liver increases according to the amount cut, its function does not fully regenerate. Furthermore, the liver is called the silent organ because even if half of its function is impaired, significant symptoms do not appear. Even if the liver deteriorates by about 70-80%, it is said that it cannot be felt or detected.

What happens if the liver deteriorates?

What happens when the liver, which plays such an important role, deteriorates? First, even with sufficient rest and sleep, you may feel tired. Along with fatigue, you may lose energy and experience indigestion, causing the accumulation of waste materials, which can lead to bad breath. Your skin may become itchy, and your overall skin color may darken. In cases of jaundice, where bilirubin is not easily excreted, the skin color may turn yellow. In some instances, dark-colored urine may also be present.

Treatment methods for liver deterioration

The treatment method varies depending on the cause of liver dysfunction. If you visit a hospital with mild symptoms and discover liver dysfunction, the appropriate treatment may involve medication and intravenous fluids to regulate liver function. In the case of hepatitis B, rest or antiviral medications to suppress the hepatitis B virus may be administered. In severe cases, liver transplantation may be performed, where up to 60-70% of the liver is removed.

Surprising habits that harm the liver
Consistently drinking healthy juices

Many people think about their health and drink vegetable or fruit juices in the morning, or they buy large quantities of them to consume individually. Even if you only drink one packet, you can consume a large amount of vegetables and fruits, and it is convenient to drink, so many people seek it out. However, if you consume these health juices for a long time, it can hurt the liver because the concentrated juice puts a strain on the liver’s detoxification process.
Taking dietary supplements

Similar to health juices, taking dietary supplements is also a habit that people adopt for their health. Dietary supplements can relieve fatigue and balance the body’s weak areas by choosing supplements suitable for them. However, nutritional supplements can strain the liver since they are also medications. Therefore, it is vital to find the right dietary supplement for oneself. If you feel tired or experience physical weakness even after taking nutritional supplements for a long time, visiting a nearby hospital for a liver function test is advisable.
Intense exercise

So, is exercise good for the liver? Exercise is essential to maintaining good health to the point where it can be considered a shortcut to becoming healthy. However, as the saying goes, “Everything in moderation,” exercising too vigorously can cause severe damage to the liver. Exercise addiction is not a positive term. If exercise is done excessively, it can cause severe damage to the liver as muscle cells die and are released into the bloodstream, putting a strain on the liver during detoxification.
Misuse of Tylenol

The liver and kidneys are organs that detoxify and eliminate waste materials in our bodies. When medication enters the body, it undergoes a detoxification process, and depending on the substance, different organs are involved in this process. Tylenol, which has been used as a pain reliever for various diseases, from mild colds to COVID-19, contains acetaminophen, detoxified by the liver. Therefore, caution should be exercised when taking it. If you consume it unnecessarily or excessively without consulting a doctor, it can strain the liver.
Overuse of antibiotics

We consume antibiotics more than we realize as we go through life. We take antibiotics for common colds and inflammations such as gastroenteritis and gastritis for various reasons. Antibiotics are also medications, so when taken, they undergo a detoxification process in the body, and depending on the ingredients of the medication, different organs are involved in this process. If antibiotics are taken according to the prescribed dates and dosage under the guidance of a doctor, there is usually no problem. However, if symptoms improve or suddenly appear without consulting a doctor and antibiotics are taken, it can cause severe damage to the liver.
By. Oh Hye In (press@daily.co.kr)
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