9 Out of 10 People Don’t Know How to Wash Carrots Properly – Here’s the Correct Way
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What most people don’t know
About eating carrots healthily

What vegetable goes well with any dish and is visually appealing with its vibrant orange color? The answer is carrot, of course! Did you all guess it right away?
This may seem a bit random, but do you eat a lot of carrots at home? Housekeeping Bro often eats carrots in various ways because they are good for the body. Not just Housekeeping, Bro, but everyone probably eats a lot of carrots. How have you been eating the carrots we often consume?
Depending on how you eat carrots, their benefits can be doubled! But their nutrients can also be destroyed. Carrots are suitable for the body! So, it’s best to eat them in a way that allows you to absorb all of their beneficial effects, right?
So, Housekeeping Bro has prepared this for you. The proper way to eat carrots healthily! You can’t find this kind of tips anywhere else. I will tell you what to keep in mind and what to avoid when eating carrots, so please stay focused until the end! Let’s get started.

Things to Keep in Mind 1 – Cook in Oil
As everyone knows, carrots are orange! One component that gives this color is beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is famous for being a powerful antioxidant. So, let’s take a moment to understand the benefits of this component. First, it has a skin-protective effect. It prevents skin damage caused by sunlight and defends against the formation of freckles and wrinkles. Therefore, it is excellent for delaying aging.
In addition, it reduces various cardiovascular diseases and prevents diabetic complications. It also reduces the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases! Seeing this, the beta-carotene in carrots seems quite impressive!
This component is converted into vitamin A in our bodies. But since vitamin A is fat-soluble, it is better to eat it with oil to increase absorption! Compared to eating it raw, cooking it in oil allows you to absorb more antioxidant components. We sometimes call carrots the ’emperor’ of vitamin A, right? So, cook it in oil to ensure you don’t miss out on the vitamin A packed in carrots.

Things to Keep in Mind 2 – Eat the Peel
Most fruits and vegetables have a lot of antioxidants in their peels. Carrots are no exception. Remember the beta-carotene we mentioned earlier? We can see a central part when we cut a carrot in half. Carrots grow by sending nutrients from this main part to the outside!
Therefore, the peel contains more beta-carotene than the central part! It has 2.5 times more. To consume plenty of beta-carotene! Don’t peel it. Just wash it clean with a scrubber and eat it!

Things to Keep in Mind 3 – Do Not Mix with Vitamin C-rich vegetables
Carrots are often used as ingredients for juices! There’s something to be careful about here. Mixing it with vitamin C-rich vegetables like radish, cabbage, and spinach is not good. This is because carrots contain a powerful ascorbate, an enzyme that breaks down vitamin C, so if you eat carrots with vitamin C-rich vegetables, it gets destroyed.

Things to Avoid 1 – Adding Vinegar or Lemon Juice to Carrots
The beta-carotene in carrots is destroyed when it comes into contact with acidic foods. Therefore, it’s a bad combination if vinegar or lemon juice comes into contact with it! Earlier, I mentioned that carrots do not go well with vitamin C-rich vegetables. Interestingly, mixing a small amount of vinegar into carrots can inhibit the action of the ascorbinase enzyme that breaks down vitamin C.
However, if you use vinegar, beta-carotene is destroyed, so you should only use a moderate amount! Keep this in mind when you need to eat other vegetables with carrots!

Things to Avoid 2 – Cutting Carrots Vertically
Did you know that if you cut carrots ‘vertically’ into long pieces instead of cutting them into ‘horizontal’ round pieces, you can get nutrients evenly?
Since carrots send nutrients from the inside out while growing, cutting, and eating carrots vertically can make a big difference in nutrients between the central part and the peel. Therefore, I recommend cutting carrots into round pieces when you need to cut them.

Things to Avoid 3 – Soaking in Water to Wash
If you soak it in water, the water-soluble nutrients in the peel will dissolve. So, when washing carrots, don’t soak them in water! Make sure to wash them under running water.
So, today, we looked at things to keep in mind and things to avoid when eating carrots with Housekeeping Bro. How was it? Isn’t it a great tip?
Carrots are easy to store and can be easily obtained all year round. So, we seem to use carrots more often when cooking! We also make carrot juice. It is included in various stir-fried dishes and side dishes.
Wouldn’t it be great to absorb all the nutrients in carrots when we eat them? I hope you will refer to what we learned today when eating carrots in the future.
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