Do you like kiwis? The sweet and sour kiwi, packed with various nutrients, is often referred to as a superfood. Its popularity is not just for its taste but also its health benefits. Although it’s a summer fruit, you can find kiwis all year round these days. Consuming it daily is said to provide better benefits than any nutritional supplement.
Kiwi Helps Improve Digestive Health
Kiwis are rich in dietary fiber and actinidin. It helps in digestive health. Actinidin, known as a natural enzyme, aids in protein absorption during digestion, reducing the bloated feeling after meals and providing a soothing effect on the stomach. Also, the abundant dietary fiber in kiwi aids in stimulating bowel movements, relieving constipation, and facilitating toxin excretion.
It Also Has Excellent Anti-Cancer Effects!
Kiwi also has anti-cancer effects thanks to its antioxidant components. The beta-carotene and polyphenol in kiwi have antioxidant effects that remove active oxygen and prevent inflammation, thereby preventing the development of cancer cells. It also helps purify the blood, reducing the risk of adult diseases.
Boosting Immunity
Kiwi contains beta-carotene and vitamin C, which help boost our immunity. Notably, vitamin C aids in stimulating metabolism in the body, is effective in recovering from fatigue and helps remove active oxygen, protecting our body from colds and viruses.
It Also Takes Care of Vascular Health
The potassium in kiwi helps excrete sodium in the body, lowering blood pressure, improving blood circulation, and effectively preventing various vascular diseases. Studies show that consuming two kiwis a day can lower blood pressure.
It Relieves Eye Fatigue
Kiwi is rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, which help relieve eye fatigue. They are excellent in alleviating vision loss by preventing ultraviolet rays from entering the retina. The beta-carotene in kiwi is absorbed by our body and converted into vitamin A, which effectively prevents night blindness, cataracts, and dry eye syndrome.
Kiwi, Rich in Dietary Fiber
As mentioned earlier, kiwi, rich in dietary fiber, aids in smooth bowel movements and replenishes the micro-nutrients our body lacks. If eating kiwi every day seems bothersome, consuming it in beverages is also good. There’s no need to overconsume; even a tiny kiwi can fill in the nutrients, so there’s no better nutritional supplement than this.
Effective Kiwi for Those Who Suffer from Heat
People who sweat a lot tend to have a rise in body temperature, causing a drop in energy and immunity, often leading to minor illnesses. Especially in summer, many suffer from common diseases. In such cases, kiwi can be helpful. When many minerals are excreted due to sweat, consuming kiwi, which are rich in vitamins and minerals, can prevent dehydration symptoms.
One Kiwi 30 Minutes Before a Meal!
Eating kiwi before a meal can reduce the intake of carbohydrates and the rise in blood sugar caused by carbohydrates. One study found that when adults at high risk of diabetes consistently consumed two kiwis a day, the risk of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases decreased, and their health improved.
Helps With Insomnia
The so-called ‘happiness hormone’ serotonin controls all metabolic processes in our body. Kiwi is rich in tryptophan, the raw material for serotonin, helping produce serotonin and aiding in sound sleep and mood changes. If you have been suffering from insomnia and depression, how about consistently eating two kiwis a day?
Simple Kiwi Smoothie at Home
Kiwi smoothie is an excellent beverage that can replenish sugar, sodium, potassium, etc., lost through sweat and urine. You can easily make a smoothie home with just one kiwi, a pinch of salt, and a cup of water. If your body is tired and weary, we recommend a glass of Kiwi smoothie to replenish nutrients.
By. Shin Young Jeon
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