Did you know that you can adjust the intensity of your workout to effectively lose weight? For those who find it challenging to invest more than an hour in daily exercise or want to shed pounds in a short period, high-intensity training is recommended! High-intensity training offers excellent benefits for muscle gain and fat burning. However, it’s crucial to gradually increase the workout intensity after mastering proper form, and the sessions should not be overly prolonged.

Rowing Machine

Think of a rowing machine as performing an indoor rowing exercise. The rowing machine is a full-body workout device, but its operation principle begins with the initial pulling force from the legs and ends with the final release motion in the lower body. It primarily involves movements that heavily engage the lower body, making it an excellent exercise for overall body development. To use the rowing machine, stand straight with the upper body, firmly push the footrests with your feet, transfer that force to the legs, straighten them, and repeat the motion of pulling the handle to the chest. The core of rowing machine exercise lies in transferring the power from the lower body to the upper body.

Box Jump

Jumping onto a box is an exercise that involves jumping onto a box, providing assistance in developing the muscles in the posterior part of the lower body. Experienced individuals can increase the box height for their jumps, while beginners can start with a lower height. Boxes commonly used in CrossFit come in heights of 30 inches, 24 inches, and 20 inches. It’s important to be cautious not to raise the height excessively, as it may pose a risk of injury.

Jump Rope

Jumping rope is a powerful aerobic exercise that raises your heart rate to the intensity of running and is a very effective exercise that develops the core muscles that hold our body’s center. The biggest advantage is that you can exercise anytime, anywhere without being bound by time and place if you have a jump rope, and the intensity can also be easily adjusted, making it suitable for high-intensity exercise. No big technique is needed, and it’s a simple exercise where you just have to hold the rope in both hands and jump over it.

Mountain Climber

You take a plank position by stretching your legs back and supporting the floor with both hands. Then, while keeping a low position so that your buttocks do not rise, pull your right knee to your chest area, creating tension in your abs. After completing these movements, complete one set by jogging or walking in place for 1 minute! Repeat the same movement 2 more times to perform a total of 3 sets.

Jumping Lunge

People who consistently do strength training do not miss out on lunge exercises. A lunge is a movement where you spread your legs forward and backward and go down until the knee of the leg placed in front is bent 90 degrees. Jumping lunge is an exercise where you jump up and switch your feet after taking this lunge position. When the right foot goes out, the right arm goes forward, and when the left foot goes out, the left foot goes forward. It is performed for about 1 minute, and when doing a jumping lunge, you should remember that the knee goes down at a 90-degree angle.

Spinning Bike

A spinning bike is a full-body exercise through spinning. The posture is not difficult, but it is a difficult exercise to maintain the correct posture because too much force goes into the body. Spinning is very different from the general indoor bicycle posture, and you proceed standing up with both feet kept horizontal. Roll up your neck, back, waist, and pelvis slightly inward. You need to roll the pedal in a bent knee state, but when pedaling, you should ride with the feeling of jumping up and keeping the force in the abdomen, like jumping in place. If you exercise for about an hour on a spinning bike, you can burn 800 to 1000 calories, so it is an indispensable high-intensity exercise.


The push-up, a well-known exercise, is an exercise where the main goal is to strengthen the pushing power of the upper body and the stability of the center. It is commonly known as a chest exercise. However, not only the chest muscles but also many joints and muscles need to move organically to create a pushing movement. Push-ups can vary depending on how you exercise, and since it is a representative bodyweight exercise that can be done without tools, it is one of the high-intensity exercises that many people do.


A squat is one of the physical exercises where you stand with your feet spread apart, keep your feet flat on the floor, straighten your back, and bend and stretch your knees. First, face forward, spread your legs slightly wider than shoulder width, and make them face outward in a fan shape at about 10 to 15 degrees. Straighten your waist and slowly sit down until your legs are about 90 degrees. If you want to proceed with squats as a high-intensity lower-body exercise, you can see more effects by increasing the weight with dumbbells, barbells, weights, etc.


The deadlift is an exercise that targets the gluteus maximus, erector spinae, and hamstrings, simultaneously strengthening the posterior part of the thighs and the lower back. It is highly recommended for women aiming for a well-defined posterior due to its ability to create elasticity in the back of the thighs. Holding a barbell with a narrow stance, spreading both feet, fixing the gaze forward, and keeping the chest lifted and extended, you should bend the upper body until the back is close to horizontal with the ground. Lower the gaze to about a 45-degree angle from the ground. Then, while ensuring that the stimulation is on the glutes, lift the upper body, straightening the hips.


The trampoline is one of the exercises that have been popular for several years. Despite the short time, it adds fun along with tremendous calorie consumption, making it less boring compared to other exercises, and also helps improve muscle endurance and balance. It is said that there is a fat-burning effect for 8 hours just by doing it for 30 minutes a day, so it is a suitable exercise to do as home training at home.
By. Shin Young Jeon
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