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If Your Cat Licks in One Spot or Struggles to Walk, Suspect This Disease

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Cats are known for their delicate, flexible, and fast movements. Whether they are leaping toward their favorite toy or carefully navigating between precious items on a shelf, their agility is always on display. Moreover, a cat can easily jump nine times its own height from a sitting position and squeeze its body into seemingly impossible narrow spaces by narrowing its shoulders and chest. These special feline abilities captivate people’s attention. But can you believe that such agile cats can suffer from bone fractures? Let’s explore the athletic abilities of cats and the causes of their bone fractures.



What are the athletic abilities of cats?


The strength, flexibility, and speed of cats come from their highly mobile spine, a significantly reduced clavicle that allows free movement of the front legs, and impressive muscles. While humans have 32-34 vertebrae, cats have 52-53 vertebrae including the tail. The numerous vertebrae and the joints between each bone that move freely enhance their athletic abilities. You can guess how flexible they are when you see a cat sleeping calmly with its head and legs turned 180 degrees in opposite directions.


Cats are fastest when hunting


Cats achieve their top speed by repeatedly stretching and contracting their flexible backs, maximizing their stride. When hunting, a cat can increase its stride up to three times its body length. At this time, the claws that were usually hidden serve the role of spikes on a sprinter’s shoes, kicking off the ground. The powerful force comes entirely from the muscles of the hind legs. The front legs support the weight of the head and shoulders, acting as brakes.


The perfect landing posture of a cat


The action of a cat falling from a height is called a ‘righting reflex.’ This is not unique to cats, but it is a trick performed based on the cat’s exceptional flexibility. As soon as a falling cat senses it is falling through the balance organ in its ear, it turns its head so that its face is facing downwards. The shock is absorbed through the legs, flexible shoulders, and spine. Cats can perform this series of actions instantly from a height of about 12 inches from the ground.


Cats can also suffer from fractures


Like monkeys can fall from trees, agile and speedy cats can also suffer from fractures. A fracture refers to a bone breaking due to external forces, usually from trauma such as accidents or falls. Fractures of the legs, pelvis, and tail are the most common, and the severity can vary depending on the location and degree of damage. Fractures can be classified into open fractures, where the bone is exposed to the outside through muscles and skin, and closed fractures, which are not.


What causes cat fractures?


Fractures in cats can occur due to improper jumps and landings, falls, and traffic accidents in daily life. Young cats in their growth period can fracture more easily as their bones are not fully developed and they are not yet proficient at jumping. Elderly cats can also easily fracture due to various causes that weaken their bones. Active cats tend to have more fractures due to trauma, but bones can break even without trauma if cancer develops in the bone or metabolic disorders occur.


Where do cat fractures occur?


Cats usually suffer from fractures in the jaw, pelvis, tail, and femur. Even if there is no problem with the bones, there can be problems with internal organs or nerves. If a cat with such an injury is not treated immediately, it can lead to symptoms such as internal bleeding, so prompt treatment is necessary. Most fractures in cats occur in the hind legs, and when looking at the entire front and hind legs, the femur is said to be the most common site of fractures.


What are the symptoms of cat fractures?


Cats have an instinct to hide their weaknesses, so it’s not easy to tell just by looking at them. Therefore, if a cat is limping, unable to walk properly, licking a specific area intensively, or if a specific area is swollen, consider the possibility of a fracture. Also, if the cat is moaning in pain and constantly trying to hide in a specific area, check the condition of that area. Cats usually try to hide their pain, so you need to be attentive. 


How are cat fractures treated?


Since it’s not visible from the outside, you can’t tell the severity of the condition. Therefore, it’s advisable to go to a nearby animal hospital for a diagnosis through X-rays, and then restrict the movement of the fractured area until the bone heals. However, due to the cat’s tendency to resist staying still, it is often necessary to apply a cast. Generally, the cat needs to be hospitalized for a few days to prevent postoperative complications such as infection at the surgical site, movement of the implant, or other problems. During hospitalization, measures are needed to prevent the cat from experiencing swelling or infection at the surgical site.


What is high-rise syndrome?


‘High-rise syndrome,’ also known as a high-altitude fall syndrome, refers to a cat falling from a height of two stories or more. Cats, generally known for their excellent jumping abilities and safe landing skills, are often considered safe even when falling from high places. However, if they fall unexpectedly or lose balance and fall without being fully prepared for landing, cats can get hurt.


How to prevent high-rise syndrome


High-rise syndrome has a higher incidence in the summer when many windows are left open. It is a good idea to install cat-proof screens if your cat enjoys looking out the window and could potentially fall out of an open window. When choosing a cat-proof screen, select a sturdy one that can support the weight of the cat. Also, preventing obesity is effective. If a cat becomes obese, its agility decreases. In such cases, even falling from a cat tower or shelf can lead to a higher likelihood of fractures. To prevent fall accidents due to obesity, care should be taken to manage the cat’s weight.

By. Hye In Oh

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