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Why 2 Eggs a Day Can Replace Expensive Supplements

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Eggs are often considered a complete food because they contain the most nutrients necessary for health. It’s not an exaggeration to say that eating eggs regularly can significantly benefit your health, eliminating the need for expensive supplements. However, there are a few precautions to take when eating eggs, and we have explored ways to eat them safely and deliciously.


Eggs are Good for the Brain and Cholesterol

Eggs contain a large amount of lecithin, more than any other food. Our brains also comprise about 30% lecithin, excluding water, essential for transmitting the neural signals needed for memory storage. The lecithin in eggs breaks down cholesterol in the blood and converts it into energy, lowering cholesterol levels. If you eat 1-2 eggs a day consistently, you won’t need to take any supplements.


Drawbacks of Long Cooking Times

Eggs can be harder to digest if cooked for a long time. That’s why people with weak stomachs often eat eggs lightly cooked. Eating eggs that are not fully cooked is healthier and more nutritious, as the body absorbs nutrients more efficiently when they’re lightly cooked.


Precautions When Eating Soft-Boiled Eggs

Eggs are more efficient when consumed lightly cooked rather than fully cooked. However, pregnant women, infants, the elderly, and those with weak immune systems should avoid lightly cooked eggs. This is due to the risk of foodborne illness. Especially for pregnant women, it is advised to always thoroughly cook eggs and avoid raw or lightly cooked eggs, according to experts.


Beware of Salmonella

Salmonella bacteria can be found on eggshells. Salmonella is weak to heat and almost entirely disappears during the cooking process, but if the egg is not fully cooked, the salmonella can survive and potentially cause food poisoning. After handling raw eggs, it’s a good idea to thoroughly wash your hands, dishes, cutting boards, and countertops with warm water and detergent.


How to Choose Good Eggs

When choosing eggs, you should select those with fine, smooth, and shiny shells. It’s also important to check the egg’s grade. Because eggs are enclosed in a shell, it’s challenging to confirm their quality and freshness by their outward appearance alone. Examining the grade determined by the Animal Products Quality Evaluation Agency, you can purchase fresh, hygienically-fresh eggs.


How to Store Eggs

Eggs should be stored in the coldest part of the refrigerator within two hours of purchase, still in their egg carton. It’s not recommended to keep eggs on the door shelf of the fridge. Keeping eggs in their carton protects them from breaking and blocking odors. Eggs have an air pocket called an air cell at the round end, which is susceptible to bacterial exposure, so storing them with the pointed end down is best.


Pay Close Attention to Egg Laying Date Labels

Eggshells display 10 digits, including a 4-digit laying date, followed by the producer’s unique number and breeding environment number. Consumers can check the laying date through the first four digits displayed on the eggshell. A breeding environment number of 1 means that the chickens are raised freely in a pasture, 2 are raised freely in a chicken coop and barn, 3 stands for improved cages, and 4 stathreeds for conventional cages.

Cook Fried Eggs at High Temperatures!

Eggs cooked in vegetable oil can balance fatty acids. However, if the cooking time is too long, it may be difficult to digest when eating the eggs, so people with weak stomachs should eat them lightly cooked. Even when boiling eggs, it’s not good to boil them for too long. If boiled for more than 15 minutes, a compound called sulfur first iron is produced, which can change the color at the boundary between the white and yolk.

Eggs Contain Substances that Deeply Involve Memory and Learning

Eggs contribute to the production of ‘acetylcholine,’ a brain neurotransmitter deeply involved in memory and learning. It helps regulate brain function and sensory activity and improves children’s learning with decreased attention and concentration. Therefore, it’s beneficial for pregnant women and children to eat eggs daily, and frequent consumption is recommended.


Eggs are Rich in Essential Amino Acids

Eggs are rich in essential amino acids. The proportion of protein ingested that is digested and absorbed by the body is also very high. Therefore, eggs are foods that can effectively utilize protein. Eggs also contain a large amount of vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant, at 1.0㎎ per 100g, which helps protect cell membranes and delay aging.

By. Shin Young Jeon

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