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Fit and Softness Key Factors in Condom Selection, Survey Shows

Photo credit / Alena TS-Shutterstock.com

When do couples in their 20s and 30s who are deeply in love have sex the most? A survey confirmed that the use of condoms increases on their anniversaries.

Lifestyle Skin, a South Korean condom brand, surveyed about condom usage on 223 male and female condom users in their 20s and 30s.

For the question “Who wants to use condoms during sex?”, the survey results showed that women 18.8% of the time, men 14.8% of the time, and both partners 66.4% of the time want to use condoms during sex. This is a positive change compared to the past when men preferred to use condoms less than women. Nowadays, both men and women in their 20s and 30s want to use condoms.

Of the days when couples use condoms, they are on meaningful anniversaries such as birthdays, 100th days, and 1st anniversaries, which accounted for 58.3% of the survey answers. Christmas followed this at 18.4% and Valentine’s Day at 3.1%.

The most important criteria for choosing a condom were the fit at 34.5% and softness at 30.9%. The thickness accounted for 17.5%, showing a noticeable change in condom trends compared to when the thickness was highly important.

Condoms are effective not only for contraception but also for preventing sexually transmitted diseases. Even if you take oral contraceptives, wearing a condom is an essential preparation for a healthy sex life.

The most important thing to pay attention to when using a condom is the expiration date and storage condition. Even with a remaining shelf life, it can tear easily if exposed to heat or light. You should not use expired condoms and should dispose of them.

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