North Korea's Economy Leans on China: Chinese Yuan Outpaces North Korean Won in Markets A survey of North Korean defectors revealed that the Chinese yuan circulates more in North Korean markets than the North Korean won. Compared to before Kim Jong Un took power, the usage of yuan in the markets has surged almost five times, indicating that North Korea’s economy is increasingly dependent on China. Amid economic difficulties, […]
China Calls for English Translation Change: Dragon to 'Lóng' [iNews24 Reporter Shin Soo-jeong] As China celebrates the Year of the Dragon, the Year of the Dragon, there are growing calls in China to change the official English label of the dragon from 'dragon' to 'loong'...
Xi Jinping's Weight Loss Linked to Pancreatic Cancer [iNews24 Reporter Shin Soo-jeong] Chinese authorities are in trouble as rumors spread that Chinese President Xi Jinping has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer...
Thai Education Minister's Praise for North Korean System Sparks Outrage Thailand's education minister has been criticized for comments praising North Korea's education system. Mr. Pumphun praised North Korea's discipline and patriotism and said he hoped for exchanges. But Thai social media users have criticized the remarks.
North Korea Slams Japan: Memorial Removal Decried as 'Atrocity Against Humanity' North Korea has condemned the forced removal of a memorial monument to a Korean-American worker in Japan's Gunma prefecture and called for its restoration...
Spring Festival Goes Global: CMG's Promo Hits 43 Million Viewers on CNN The Central Media Organization (CMG)'s promotional video for this year's Chun Wan aired on CNN, attracting 43 million viewers on the day of broadcast.
Secret Deals Exposed: Russia Allegedly Facilitates North Korea's Financial Escape AsiaToday By HAMANJOO WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT = Russia has lifted some of its frozen funds from North Korea, which is subject to UN Security Council sanctions, and given it access to its own banks, the New York Times (NYT) reported on Saturday...
China's Ambitious Aircraft Carrier Program: The Road to Six Carriers by 2035 AsiaToday Beijing Correspondent Hong Soondo = China's so-called aircraft carrier building project, which began in earnest more than a decade ago, is analyzed to have reached a point where it can be processed...
China's Overseas Travel Surges by 50%: Increased Demand During Spring Festival Holiday The demand for overseas travel among Chinese is expected to erupt, with 130 million Chinese expected to go abroad during the Spring Festival holiday. Overseas travelers consider transportation, local prices, and food when deciding where to go, and they tend to choose accommodation based on cost-effectiveness...
Attack on Religious Gathering: 200 Chinese Christians Arrested by Authorities AsiaToday By Hong Soondo Beijing Correspondent = Chinese public security authorities recently raided a gathering of Christian villagers and reportedly arrested about 200 believers for joining a church that refuses to follow state-approved theological doctrines...
Taiwan's TikTok Ban: Defensive Measure or Overreaction to Chinese Influence? The “Kemusan” dance competition, held in the famous Ningxia night market in Taipei, Taiwan, on January 25th, was successfully carried out despite controversy. For the escalating cross-strait tensions between China and Taiwan, Taipei’s decision to hold a dance competition with Kemusan, a dance that originated in mainland China, was criticized. Still, it showed how popular […]
China Urges Political Resolution to Ease Korean Peninsula Tensions Hong Soondo, Beijing correspondent for AsiaToday = China has reaffirmed its stance of "consistently supporting the improvement of DPRK-South Korea relations" as North Korea has recently raised tensions on the Korean Peninsula by labeling South Korea a "hostile belligerent" and continuing to launch missile provocations.
Goldman Sachs Poll Reveals Chinese Investors' Worries About Trump's Election Win On top of tumbling stocks, an embattled property market, and a struggling economy, a potential win by former US president Donald Trump in the November general election seems to keep domestic Chinese investors up at night. According to Bloomberg News on the 4th (local time), Goldman Sachs Group Inc. announced the finding after talking with its […]
China's Annual Policy Blueprint Puts Food Security at the Forefront For the 21st consecutive year, China has selected "Three Farms" as its No. 1 central document, signaling its commitment to prioritizing food security. The document states that the country will vigorously promote rural development and meet farmers' needs, and attach great importance to rural development and farmers' livelihoods...
China's 1% Spying on the Rest of the 99% Population: A Comparison to East Germany's Stasi Era China Utilizes Cutting-Edge Technology to Establish Intense Surveillance SocietyPolice and Local Authorities Recruit 14 Million Informants The Chinese Communist Party is alleged to be using 1% of the population as informants to surveil the remaining 99%. This ratio of surveillance personnel is reportedly on par with the infamous East Germany just before the fall of […]
China Rapidly Expanding Nuclear Arsenal China has more than doubled its nuclear warhead stockpile in the past decade. This is the fastest pace in history.
Japanese Foreign Ministry Confirms Late Discovery of Chinese Hacking Incident It has been reported that the diplomatic mail system through which Japan's Foreign Ministry headquarters and overseas diplomatic missions exchange confidential information has been cyber-attacked by China and its contents have been leaked...
AliExpress and Tmall Accused of Deceptive Sales with 'Chinese Hanbok' [iNews24 Reporter Koo Seoyoon] Chinese direct shopping apps Aliexpress and Temu are selling Hanfu, a traditional Chinese garment, in their 'Chinese Hanbok' section...
85,000 Chinese Tourists Expected to Visit During the Lunar New Year Holiday The Korea Tourism Organization is conducting an all-out marketing campaign to attract Chinese tourists. An estimated 85,000 Chinese tourists are expected to visit Korea during the Lunar New Year holidays, and the organization is trying to attract them through local recruitment, discount offers, and events on Chinese social media...
China's 'Year of the Widow' Sparks Panic for 2024 Couples [iNews24 Reporter Shin Soo-jeong] In China, which is suffering from an extremely low birthrate, a superstition is spreading that marrying this year will bring 'bad luck'.
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