Famous American YouTuber MrBeast declined a proposal from Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and X, to post his videos on X.
On the 31st of last month (local time), MrBeast posted a video on YouTube titled “I Spent 7 Days in Solitary Confinement.” He tweeted, “I uploaded, go watch or I’ll drop kick you” on his Twitter account.
In response to this post, a popular Dogecoin artist saw the tweet and asked MrBeast also to upload his video on X.
However, MrBeast turned down the offer, explaining that the production costs for his videos run into the millions of dollars. He noted that even if his content on platform X were to gain a billion views, it would not be sufficient to recoup even a fraction of these production expenses. He added, “I’m down though to test stuff once monetization is really cranking.”

MrBeast declined Musk’s proposal because of the difference in potential earnings for creators on YouTube and X.
Only users who subscribe to the premium service on X can generate revenue through posts and ad revenue. One Life Math Money account operator, with 370,000 followers on X, is estimated to earn approximately $7 per million views.
On the other hand, the earnings per view on YouTube are much higher. According to Yahoo Finance, a qualified YouTube creator can generate revenue ranging from $3,400 to $30,000 per million views.
By. Yoon Jeong Nam
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