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Toddler Experiences Seizure After Consuming Frozen Slushy

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A three-year-old boy living in Scotland UK, suddenly fainted after consuming a slushy and later regained consciousness.

According to British media outlets such as the Daily Mail and The Sun, on the 29th of last month (local time), Angus Donnelly a three-year-old boy living in Scotland UK lost consciousness 30 minutes after consuming a slushy in the Port Glasgow area.

Angus who suddenly fainted after consuming the slushy was reported to have had a serious condition, including having a seizure and showing the whites of his eyes.

슬러시를 마신 후 30분만에 쓰러진 3세 소년 앵거스 도넬리 / 더 선(케네디 뉴스 앤 미디어)
Three-year-old boy Angus Donnelly collapsed 30 minutes after consuming a slushy / The Sun (Kennedy News and Media)

슬러시 자료 사진 / Voyagerix-shutterstock.com
Slushy reference image / Voyagerix-shutterstock.com

In particular, Angus’s blood sugar level dropped very low after consuming the slushy but fortunately regained consciousness two hours after being transported to the hospital.

Angus’s primary care physician speculated that the ‘glycerol’ ingredient in the slushy had caused toxicity in his body, leading to his sudden collapse.

Glycerol can cause loss of consciousness, shock, and hypoglycemia if a child consumes it excessively. The UK Food Standards Agency (FSA) and the Scottish Food Standards Agency (FSS) have also issued guidelines prohibiting the sale of slushies to children under four years old.

Glycerol is often used in the production of slushy to create a unique texture and prevent the beverage from freezing. Glycerol is also used as a sweetener in beverages and a solvent in pharmaceuticals.

The hypoglycemic symptoms that appeared in Angus are known to occur when glycerol is consumed excessively, when food or water is not consumed, or when one engages in intense exercise for a long period.

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