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Man’s Nightmare: Wife Pregnant Despite His Vasectomy – Here’s What Actually Happened


Despite having a vasectomy, a man suspected his wife of infidelity after she became pregnant.

Dr. Lu Jinheng recently shared a couple’s story on the Taiwanese media platform CTWANT.

This unusual case of a middle-aged couple who already had two elementary-aged children, discovering that there was a minuscule amount of sperm detected despite the husband’s vasectomy, was shared by Dr. Lu on Facebook.

Although they were told the chances of pregnancy were extremely low, which they didn’t take seriously, the wife became pregnant a year later.


Conflict between the couple resulted from the husband’s belief that he couldn’t father a child after having a vasectomy. The couple planned to conduct a paternity test after the child was born, and the wife was prepared to raise the child alone if the results showed the husband wasn’t the father.

The husband sought advice from Dr. Lu, who informed him that the chances of sperm escaping on its own following a vasectomy were low. He also clarified that, theoretically, pregnancy is possible as long as there are viable sperm, and the likelihood of this occurring is about 17%.

Following this, the husband began to believe his wife, and a paternity test following the child’s birth verified that he was the father.

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