Billionaire and Telegram app founder Pavel Durov claims he has over 100 biological children across 12 countries thanks to his sperm donations. According to a Daily Mail article, Durov mentioned that women sought out his “high-quality genes,” and his sperm is reportedly available for purchase at a clinic in Moscow for approximately 35,000 rubles ($384). Durov’s sperm donation profile states that he is a vegetarian, enjoys waking up early, and speaks nine foreign languages, including English, Persian, and Latin.
Durov plans to “open-source” his DNA, making it easier for his biological children to connect. Despite acknowledging the potential risks, he expressed no regrets about his donations.
He continued, “The shortage of healthy sperm has become an increasingly serious issue worldwide, and I’m proud I did my part to help alleviate it.”
Durov revealed that he began donating sperm 15 years ago at a friend’s request who struggled with infertility.
He also shared that he views donating sperm as a “civic duty,” which is why he continued to donate.
Born in 1984, Pavel Durov is from Russia and resides in Dubai. He is famously single and has a net worth of about $15.5 billion.
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