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Popping Pimples Turned Deadly: Man Hospitalized with Flesh-Eating Infection

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Sanook recently shared the shocking viral story of Mr. Huang, a healthy 30-year-old who ended up in the hospital after popping a pimple—on his butt! What seemed like a harmless move quickly spiraled into a serious bacterial infection.

Mr. Huang thought nothing of it when he noticed acne on his buttocks and decided to pop the pimples. But this innocent action led to a severe bacterial infection in the soft tissue, causing major damage to his skin and muscles. Soon after, he developed a high fever that wouldn’t go away.

The situation escalated, and Mr. Huang was diagnosed with necrotizing fasciitis—a rare but deadly flesh-eating bacterial infection. Things got so bad he had to be moved to the ICU.


“Acne can happen for a number of reasons—clogged pores, excess oil, or bacterial infections,” a dermatologist explained. But what many don’t realize is that popping pimples, especially the ones filled with yellowish pus, can push bacteria deeper into the skin, leading to serious infections.

And we’re not just talking surface-level issues here. Severe bacterial infections can develop deep within the soft tissue, and they often don’t show symptoms early on, making them incredibly dangerous. In fact, these infections have a mortality rate of 15-29%.

Doctors warn that acne is more than just a minor skin issue—it can be life-threatening if not treated properly. And popping pimples on your face can be especially risky because the face has blood vessels and lymphatic vessels that connect to the inside of the skull. If you’re not careful, popping pimples can lead to facial swelling, high fever, and even infections in the skull, which could be fatal.

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