Divorce Drama Unfolds as Choi Dong Seok Posts Cozy Family MomentChoi Dong Seok shares his peaceful daily life with children after divorce from Park Ji Yoon, who has custody.
K-Pop Divorce Gets Messy: Yulhee Files for Mediation Over Kids and AssetsFormer Laboum member Yulhee seeks custody and financial claims against ex-husband Choi Min-hwan while planning legal action against trolls.
'I Never Abandoned My Kids': Yulhee Opens Up About Divorce and Custody DecisionFormer Laboum member Yulhee revealed her struggles post-divorce from Choi Min Hwan on All By Myself, discussing custody and allegations.
Wife’s Affair Exposed After Vasectomy: Husband Fights for Custody and AssetsAfter a vasectomy, a man found a condom in his wife's bag, suspecting infidelity. Now, he's facing divorce and custody battles.
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