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domestic abuse Archives - Gangnam Times

#domestic-abuse (2 Posts)

  • Failed by the System: South Korea's Battle with Dating Violence With the recent murders and assaults between couples in South Korea, dating violence in the country continues unabated. However, it has been reported that less than 2% of perpetrators of dating violence were arrested from January to April this year. Dating violence refers to threats or violence that occur between intimate partners. The violence includes […]
  • Actor Cole Brings Plenty's Found Dead After Disappearance ORIGINAL LINK: https://tenbizt.com/issue/article/106359/ Actor Cole Brings Plenty found dead at the age of 27 after going missing The tragic news broke that actor Cole Brings Plenty, who had been missing, was found deceased at the young age of 27. On April 5, Page Six reported the news of Cole Brings Plenty’s death. According to a […]

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