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U.S. Asks Allies to Chip in for F-35 Fighter Jet Boost: Cash or Upgrade

Eugene Park Views  

U.S. Plans F-35 Upgrade
Cost-sharing Requested from F-35 Adopting Countries

F-35 라이트닝 / 사진 출처 = 'The Hill'
F-35 Lightning / The Hill

The F-35, following in the footsteps of the F-22, is currently the most powerful fighter jet in the world and the highest-performance stealth fighter that the U.S. sells to its allies. The mere acquisition of this fighter jet is proof of an alliance with the U.S. Despite its astronomical cost, many countries have adopted it because it is a powerful fighter jet currently in active service in the U.S.

Recently, the U.S. Department of Defense plans to improve the engine of the F-35 significantly. The issue is that it has expressed a desire to share the cost of this upgrade with the countries that have imported the F-35. Today, let’s determine what this upgrade is and whether the U.S.’s claim is valid.

F-35 엔진을 장착하는 장면 / 사진 출처 = 'The Aviation Geek Club'
Scene of F-35 Engine Installation / The Aviation Geek Club
F-35의 엔진 부위 / 사진 출처 = 'The Drive'
F-35 Engine Section / The Drive

Available for All F-35 Versions
Astronomical Costs Incurred

The Adaptive Engine Transition Program aims to upgrade engines across all active F-35 models, including the standard F-35A, the vertical take-off and landing F-35B, and the stealth carrier-based F-35C. Experts believe this upgrade will enhance fuel efficiency and speed, among other superior performances.

However, this massive project is estimated to cost around $245 million. The U.S. Department of Defense has reportedly shown skepticism about bearing this cost alone. The Navy and Marine Corps, excluding the Air Force, have also demonstrated skepticism about proceeding with the project.

대한민국 공군의 F-35 / 사진 출처 = 'Overt Defense'
South Korean Air Force’s F-35 / Overt Defense
일본 자위대가 운용하는 F-35 / 사진 출처 = 'The Times'
F-35 Operated by the Japan Self-Defense Forces / The Times

Just Enough to Sell

From the U.S. perspective, the fact that they have allowed other countries to use their main fighter jets is a benefit in itself. They request that countries with the F-35 share project costs as improvements, which will ultimately enhance these countries’ military power through the exported F-35s.

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Eugene Park




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