Cybertruck with surface polishing
Surface as bright as a mirror
Will there be any legal problems?

The Tesla Cybertruck attracts attention with its simple yet unique design. An exterior plate with the highest level of rigidity among mass-produced cars of all time is applied, and it features a flat and right-angled design due to processing limitations.
The standard model comes in a single, unpainted stainless steel finish, with the option to apply a colored wrapping film for an additional cost. However, what if the unpainted body was carefully polished to achieve maximum shine? Some have implemented this idea, turning it into a hot topic. In certain instances, concerns about glare-related safety issues have also been raised.

Non-painted exterior as standard
Thanks to it, was able to polish it
The Polishing Guy, a vehicle polishing company, unveiled the Tesla Cybertruck on May 28 with a smooth polished surface. In its original state, the Cybertruck had a matte surface because it did not undergo a polishing process during production. Disappointed by the standard finish, one owner requested surface polishing work from the company.
The Polishing Guy began the project by deploying all five employees and their polishing equipment, and after extensive efforts, they completed the shiny exterior. They remarked that it was a substantial task but a fantastic achievement. They acknowledged that there is room for improvement in the quality of their future work but expressed satisfaction with the polishing work done on their first Cybertruck.

The photos capture amazing visuals. All parts of the vehicle body reflect the surrounding scenery, and in particular, the flat tailgate, side doors, and fender parts can easily be used as mirrors.
The reason was that sunlight could be reflected and cause glare to surrounding vehicles or pedestrians. In particular, the Cybertruck’s tailgate surface is built close to a right angle, so at night, the tailgate might reflect the headlights of following vehicles, which could disturb their driving. This issue has been pointed out as a nuisance and a potential cause of accidents under certain circumstances.

Before the delivery of the Cybertruck began and wraps became a popular customization option, various tuning cases caught the public’s attention. In contrast to the glossy finish, a vehicle with a chrome-textured wrap garnered a similar reaction. However, it’s important to note that no laws in the US restrict the reflectivity of vehicle exteriors.
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