Rollover Crash Survival in Texas: How a Family Was Ejected from Their Jeep and What Could Have Been Done
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Accident Involving a Rollover in the US
Family Ejected from Vehicle
The shock was particularly intense for the one-year-old and four-year-old children

In a recent car accident in Texas, a collision between two vehicles resulted in a Jeep overturning, causing the occupants to be ejected from the car. On August 15, the accident occurred on a highway, where the impact caused the Jeep to roll multiple times. A man in his 20s and his two young children, aged 1 and 4, were thrown from the vehicle.
Fortunately, no life-threatening injuries were reported. However, it was noted that the 20-year-old driver was not wearing a seat belt, and the children were not in a car seat, which is mandated by Texas law. According to state regulations, children under eight must be secured in a child seat while in a vehicle.

Vehicle rollover accident
Difficult to escape on one’s own
In the Texas accident, if the occupants had used seat belts and car seats, they would likely have stayed inside the vehicle rather than ejected. While staying inside the car during an accident might be safer than being thrown out, it still presents risks. For example, if another vehicle does not notice the overturned car and crashes into it, there could be additional injuries or even a fire.
Similar incidents have occurred elsewhere. In May, a car in South Korea overturned after hitting a steel bollard on the shoulder of the Daedeok Tunnel. The driver was trapped inside due to the car’s narrow space and the weight of the passenger door but was eventually rescued by a police officer who happened to be leaving work.
In another case in July, a vehicle overturned in South Korea due to rain-related conditions. The driver’s door was damaged in the crash, trapping him inside until he was rescued by members of the Army’s 22nd Infantry Division.

Unable to Unbuckle Due to Being Trapped
Create Space by Pushing the Seat Back
Escaping from a car rollover accident can be extremely difficult. When the vehicle flips over, occupants may lose their sense of direction, making it hard to distinguish left from right. The force of the crash can cause the seat belt to tighten, making it challenging to unbuckle even if you press the release button. Tall drivers are particularly vulnerable, as their heads can be pushed against the roof during a rollover, potentially causing severe injuries.
So, what should you do if your vehicle rolls over? First, turn off the engine to prevent any risk of fire or explosion. The driver and passengers must escape if the engine doesn’t shut off. It helps to push the seat back to create more space to maneuver, as the seat belt might not come off easily. Next, stretch your feet out and brace yourself against the ceiling to help free yourself from the seat belt. Once you’ve released the belt, make your way out of the vehicle.

If possible, escape to the back seat
Prepare escape tools
In a rollover accident, the engine’s weight can cause the car to shift forward. If this happens, try to move to the back seat, where there’s typically more space, and then work on escaping. If the doors open, you’re in luck. If not, you’ll need to use your foot to kick out the window or pull off the headrest to break the glass and get out.
If you’re injured, unable to move, or can’t unbuckle your seat belt, you should call for help immediately or use your car’s horn to alert other drivers. Consider keeping a small knife or an emergency escape hammer in your vehicle. These tools can help you cut the seat belt or break the window in case of an emergency rollover.
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