How Japan’s New Car Safety Technology Will Save Lives and Revolutionize Global Standards
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Japan’s Technology Becomes a Global Standard
Prevents Acceleration Mal-operation Accidents
High Expectations for Enhanced Safety

The World Forum on Harmonization of Automotive Standards (WP.29), a UN body, discusses the integration of safety and environmental standards for automobiles worldwide and promotes agreements for mutual recognition of automobile certification among governments.
Members include major countries such as European countries and regions (EU), Japan, the United States, China, and Korea, and non-governmental organizations also participate. It carries out technical coordination and regulatory improvement work based on two agreements signed in 1958 and 1998.

Key Requirements for Acceleration Suppression Devices
Clear Warnings for Drivers
In 2022, Japan proposed the establishment of a UN standard for “acceleration suppression devices in case of pedal mal-operation” to reduce accidents caused by elderly drivers. This is a technology to prevent accidents that occur when the accelerator and brake are mistakenly applied. In particular, this technology stipulates performance requirements for detecting obstacles ahead and preventing collisions, and international discussions were held based on Japan’s evaluation method.
The key requirement of this device is to suppress sudden acceleration and to convey a clear warning to the driver. For example, it is designed not to exceed 8 km/h (5.0 mph) even when the accelerator is fully depressed 1.5 m (59 inches) in front of an obstacle. In addition, the warning device must include a visual notification, and a system that informs the driver of the current status when the function is deactivated is required. The target vehicle is limited to passenger vehicles equipped with an automatic transmission (AT).

Finally Recognized as a Global Standard
Japan’s Technology Receives International Recognition
At the 194th WP.29 plenary session held in Geneva from November 12 to 15, Japan’s acceleration suppression technology was formally adopted as a UN standard. This move establishes Japan’s innovative solution as a cornerstone for future global vehicle safety standards. The technology is expected to be implemented across various markets, positively impacting both automakers and consumers by increasing vehicle safety and reducing the risk of mal-operation accidents.
With this recognition, Japan’s technology paves the way for safer roads globally, particularly for vulnerable drivers, and sets a new benchmark in automotive safety technology.
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