Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley [Photo=AP·Yonhap News]
Recent analysis suggests that Nikki Haley is emerging as a potentially stronger contender against President Joe Biden than former President Donald Trump.
As reported by The Hill on the 25th (local time), an average of 508 recent opinion polls indicates that Haley, who has garnered support from moderate conservatives, holds greater electoral viability in a general election than Trump.
The Hill‘s findings show that in a hypothetical matchup between Biden and Trump, their respective levels of support were 43.4% and 45.3%, with Trump leading Biden by a margin of 1.9 percentage points.
Furthermore, The Hill presented a hypothetical matchup between Biden and Haley, where their support rates were 39.4% and 42.9%, respectively, with Haley leading by a margin of 3.5 percentage points.
The report by The Hill highlights the difference in support levels between Biden and Haley, with Haley showing a larger advantage than Trump when pitted against the President in a one-on-one hypothetical match.
The current focal point in U.S. politics is the 2024 presidential primaries, with the next presidential election scheduled for November 5th of the following year. The Republican Party will commence its presidential candidate primaries with the Iowa Caucus on the 15th of the upcoming month, followed by the New Hampshire primary on the 23rd of the same month, and the South Carolina primary on February 3rd.
Trump holds the lead in these crucial early states, with Haley closely trailing. Trump enjoys strong support from the Republican base, while Haley’s strength lies in her appeal to moderates. In New Hampshire, a state known for its large share of moderate voters, Haley is narrowing the gap with Trump.
By. Seong Jin Kwon
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